Inclusivity of Individual Differences

Inclusivity of individual differences in terms of socio –economic back-ground, physical abilities and other terms is need of the hour for any organization through its people processes to attain long term sustainability and effective utilization of talent poolinclusivity


The sustainability of the human capital of the nation depends on how organizations could tap and utilize the talent available at the different economic strata of the society. When it’s more popular for an Urban Kid can go and teach a Rural Kid, Isn’t there something that an Urban Kid can learn from the rural Kid. In a situation where more than 50 % of the population is below poverty line, left out in the growth story, it’s very much important for any organization to include people from such groups to understand their needs, employ them to grow and tap unexplored market potential. While business is all about expansion and moving from ambition to vision is very much a matter of choice. If we don’t think of building  sustainability in terms of human capital through inclusion it would be five times more costlier than the financial capital ten years down the lane.


Many of you would have noted people without any disabilities being preferred for any job in an organization while very few employ disabled people in their organizations. For jobs like Ticket Issuer, Cashier though physical disability is not a critical factor that influences the performer to perform in the job, they are not commonly preferred. However, it’s important for organizations to see how they can utilize such talent in organization and provide necessary opportunities, infrastructure for them to perform. Moreover having such people in organizations improve employee morale.


Always Organizations have been trying to understand, predict and influence people behaviours to achieve the firm’s vision by reflecting it’s preset Values, Acceptable Behaviours and Ideas. Isn’t there a possibility for organizations to learn from the originality of people in terms of their differences. It’s more of how organizations are open to individual ideas , how their process and methods are capable to accommodate the individual differences in values, thoughts, personality traits, ideas and could be used to lever the performance of the company to achieve goals.

“Irrespective of whatever business one might do in this world, there is only in one business in reality and that’s human wellbeing”

Contributed by : Shyam Sundar K